
Seibo Activity Report: July – September 2019

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tel : 080-4200-9923 
Seibo Activity Report: July-Sept 2019

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Dear Seibo Supporters,
The summer has come & gone in Malawi and a new school year has started. As we all know an education is the most powerful weapon to change our world. Thanks to you our donors almost 15,000 learners across Malawi can attend school in the knowledge that they will learn but also receive a hot meal. What follows is a short summary of our last 3 months activities. 
6 New Nursery Partnerships

Seibo partnered with 6 more, privately owned, nurseries and launched feeding in early September

  • Grema nursery, owned by Ivy Kangola, began feeding with a demonstration of how to cook the school meal using a rocket stove. Before starting feeding, the weight and height of the children was recorded- 12 children were present.
  • Samirah nursery’s director previously  worked with Focus nursery, a school already in partnership with Seibo, so there was no need for a demonstration. 
  • Little Bee nursery, owned by Violet Cheza, began school feeding on Sept. 4th. 20 children were present, and the weighing of the children was carried out before a food cooking demonstration.
  • Tinashe nursery, owned by Mercy Mphonde, was launched by the Seibo team on Sept. 4th. 12 children were present, and the weighing of the children carried out before a food cooking demonstration.
  • Tivwirane nursery, owned by Judith Chinsewa, began school feeding on Sep 5th with 3 children present.
  • Faithu Deen nursery, owned by Cassim Binali, began school feeding on Sept. 5th. 10 children were present at the launch & weighed before the cooking demonstration.
Rocket Stove Maintenance
        The rocket stoves in use at local nurseries since 2016 underwent routine maintenance in late August. The maintenance work was carried out by Ken Steel- the supplier of the stoves. The resulting work will extend the longevity of the stoves which are put to great use on a daily basis.
Care Packages for 23 Beneficiaries
       Seibo received a generous donation from Mr. Peter Nkata, Managing Director of Beehive, to the sum of MWK 738,000.  Theses funds were used to conduct parental forums benefiting Seibo sponsored children & to purchase items for care packs to be given to those beneficiaries. The packs consisted of: 8kgs Maize flour, a pack of Sugar, 3 bars of bath soap, 10 bars of washing soap, a bottle of Vaseline blue seal & a bucket.
Nursery Directors Meeting

Seibo continues to conduct meetings with nursery school directors to ensure successful partnerships. On July 26th a meeting was held for which the agenda focused on gathering feedback from each partner nursery on how to improve meals & processes.
While there will always be challenges they are minimal in comparison to previous meetings. The director of Bizzy Beez nursery school thanked Seibo for their ongoing support & help.

Monthly Milestones
Additional 6 Nursery Schools added to the School Feeding Program
Rocket stoves maintenance project
Donation received from Beehive Director, Mr. Peter Nkata in Malawi funds care packs for needy families
Seibo Nursery Directors Meeting
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“Seibo was interesting to me when I heard about it. It is being welcomed very much by the community in Mzimba… I was interested to assist Seibo in its actions as it will have a lot of positive impacts for the health, as well as education, of the children. I think it is a great way to encourage learning. The children will work hard in school if they have eaten a good meal.”

Email : info@seibojapan.or.jp    
Phone : 080-4200-9923 / 080-4200-9915

Room B Floor 4 Miyata Bldg 2-23-7 Kouraku
Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo Japan 112-0004
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