
For 15 yen you feed 1 child 1 meal for 1 day.
For 3,000 yen you feed that child for 1 year.
Donate at a Bank
Almost 5 in 10 children in
Malawi suffer from stunting.
The prevalence of undernutrition causing stunting in children in Malawi is one of the highest in Africa particularly in children under-5. Through no fault of their own their future potential is affected. If you could do something about it you would. By providing school meals we help children survive and then thrive and grow into adults.
Children who suffer from undernutrition are more likely to achieve lower educational levels, often making them less qualified for work, in turn reducing their income-earning potential in adulthood. *WFP 2014
Kids Are Stunted!
A Day!
Almost 1 person in 5 in the world earn less
than 1.9 dollars a day
The number of people in the world living in extreme poverty globally remains high. The extreme poor often live in remote areas and fragile areas and are prone to economic shocks, food insecurity and climate change. Over half of Malawi’s population lives below the poverty line with the majority of the poor locked in low productivity subsistence farming.
Approximately 3.1 million children die
of hunger every year
In 2013 nearly 6.3 million children under the age of 5 died. That’s almost 17,000 children every day. That is 17,000 children too much. Poverty is the main cause of hunger and there is enough food in the world for all of us. Let’s do what we can to make sure everybody shares this food.
A Child Dies!
64/1000 Children
Don’t Make It!
Of every 1,000 children born in Malawi 64 of these will not live to enjoy their 5th birthday
Child survival can be improved. Key health interventions such as immunizations, the use of treated bed nets and vitamin A supplementation can make a difference. If you knew you could improve this statistic you would and you can.