
Nursery Intro Series- Yankho 47

Yankho Nursery
Located in Sigelege
School Feeding began on the 8th June 2017
This nursery is run by Mrs. Omega Sasani – holder of an MSCE Certificate (final exam of secondary school). In June 2017 the school had 28 children enrolled- of which 12 are boys and 16 girls aged between 1-5 years.
The nursery is not registered with the Blantyre City Assembly. There are 3 x caregivers working at the school of which one is a holder of an MSCE certificate and the two others have JCE certificates (final exam of primary school).
None of the teachers at this point had received training in ECD (Early-Years Childcare Development).
The nursery itself is located in the school director’s own house and there are two toilets and one tap on the premises. School begins at 8am and ends at 3pm. In previous times the director provided maize flour porridge to the students on an irregular basis but had long since stopped due to the cost.