
Nursery Intro Series-Ulemu- 11

Ulemu Nursery- located in the community of Sigerege.
On the day of our visit there were 60 children present, but usually the number is 70. The high number of children reflects the parent high regard for this nursery. The children are aged between 1 year 6 months to 5½ years old. Children who bring snacks can eat them for lunch but from our visit this is not common practice.
The state of the building- extremely small for the number of children has a roof that is falling in and looks quite dirty. There are not many resources (toys, etc) for the children and the outside space is very limited.
To collect water it is necessary to go offsite as the nearest source is approximately 15 metres away.
There is a toilet close by and on the day our team visited the nursery there were 2 members of staff looking after all these kids though we were informed there was usually 3 members of staff in attendance.
Opening Hours are from 8am to 3:30 pm on Monday to Thursday and on Friday from 8am to midday.
A typical Monday includes Bible recitation and learning letters (working the way through the alphabet each day and each week) before break. Then the children are taught numbers, and discuss themselves (say their names, where they live, what they want to be when they grow up) before lunch. Songs and poems follow; then quiet time, and that’s it for the day!