
Small Kids, Big Difference

Every month Seibo publish an Activity Report highlighting how your donations are used. One story we tell is of a little boy called Mphatso. Born on the 20th of October 2011 Mphatso has never attended school until now. His family could not afford the small fee.
Thanks to you he now attends Asira Nursery where he receives a hot meal daily. His parents told us “He even goes back to school after the teacher has sent him home. He wakes up waiting to get there” .
Mphatso and his mother and sis

The caregivers at Asira report fantastic things too – “He is the first in school every time. He follows instructions so well and always loves playing!”.

Our June Activity Report also tells the tale of little Grace.

Grace Asira

Grace is in school for the first time in her life. She was born on Christmas Day 2011. Her mother, Shirah, a single parent is finishing her secondary schooling and is in her final year. To make a living she brews and sells home-made beer “kachasu”.

The nursery teachers tell us that while Grace is not yet very active and cries a lot her grandmother is delighted as she never imagined her granddaughter would be able to attend school and receive a hot meal there.
A hot meal for 15 yen provided by you makes the world of difference.
Thank you.