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tel : 080-4200-9923
Seibo Activity Report: Nov/Dec 2016

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Dear Seibo Supporters,
Welcome to 2017. We look back at our first year as a new movement based on a new will to conquer hunger and it’s easy be positive now that we are feeding over 14,000 children daily. But the truth remains. So much of the chronic hunger in the world has nothing to do with natural disasters but is man-made.  One anonymous decision after another made one day at a time by people, institutions, governments doing what is best for themselves has contributed to the situation we face in Malawi and elsewhere. 
Today, in dozens of countries around the world, little boys and girls are born into poverty & hunger. For the people living in these countries , their suffering is temporal. It will end with their lives.  For us, the decisions we make will follow us. Let’s make 2017 the year we make the right decision.  
End of Year Efforts!
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4 More Primary Schools Complete the Kaphuta Zone
Since April 2016 Seibo has provided school meals to primary school students in the Kaphuta Zone, Mzimba, Northern Malawi. Having taken over school feeding from JOCA  at the Kazomba school and replacing the donated rice flour from Japan with locally grown food it was clear that neighbouring schools were in need of food provision too. The expansion of the programme to include ALL schools in the same educational zone means that today thanks to your donations ALL students in that zone – at total of 12,262 children- are in receipt of a hot meal at school.
Read on for more details!
Kazengo Primary School
Kazengo is located approximately 6kms from Mzimba town in the Andrea Jere village. With an enrolment of 2,880 students and 34 teachers it is one of the larger schools in the area.
The school is in the process of building an additional 3 classrooms to augment the existing 8 rooms and has 28 toilets all served by a water source on the school grounds.

School feeding was launched on the 29th of November and included an orientation on the use of rocket stoves, food preparation, safety & hygiene attended by 40 volunteer cooks.
The launch took place under a tree near the school where speeches were made by the Village Heads & School Management. The Seibo team in Malawi asked the Chairman of the School Management Committee to read the MoU and translate for the people gathered into the local language- Chitumbuka- so all could follow.
Kaphuta Zone Continued…
Kaphuta Primary School
Another large school the Kaphuta Primary School is located in the village of Kafoteka Mkwandawire but surrounded by another 20 villages giving it a large catchment area.
With 2, 469 children enrolled and 40 teachers the school was provided with 9 x 120 litre rocket stoves to ensure feeding could actually take place without upsetting the daily lesson plans.
The actual launch took place on the 30th of November and included members of Seibo in Malawi, local dignitaries and Japanese visitors from the Can Do organisation.

A standard 6 student, Agnes Chisambi recited a poem after which she thanked Seibo for making it possible that all children can attend school since hunger was no longer a reason to stay away.
         Monthly Milestones
In November an additional 8,997 children were reached as Seibo expanded to the final 4 x primary schools in the Kaphuta Zone- Northern Malawi.
By the end of 2016 Seibo was feeding 12,261 primary school children in total and an additional 1, 538 teeny tots attending pre-nursery schools.
On the 28th of November the Seibo team in Malawi launched school feeding at Kazengo, Kaphuta, Mzimba LEA & Davy- !
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Thank you Seibo for introducing the Feeding Programme. This will help the children to work hard in school and the results will be improved. Everyone let’s work together for the project to be successful.”     
Mr Hamilton Jonathan Banda, Kazengo Primary Deputy Head Teacher.
– Fiskani Mbale
Message to Our Future
“We are very happy as we welcome Seibo to our community. We will join hands and work hard to see the Programme succeed”
– Agnes Chisambi, Student at Kaphuta Primary School.

  Parents Comments

Happy Phiri- mother to Innocent & Martha Kwinika said that the project will help alleviate hunger and will stop children from running away from school in search of food.

Shupekire Nyirenda- a mother of 3 children asked Seibo to consider expanding to other schools to give more children a chance.

Mr Moyo, Head Teacher at Mzimba LEA   relayed his heartfelt thanks  to Seibo for motivating the learners to stay in school and also the various community groups including the Parents Teachers Association, School Management Committee & Mothers Group for their cooperation. 

Davy Primary School
Located 2 kilometers north-east  of Mzimba  in the area of Group Village Head Hezekiah Mwanza the Davy Primary School has 10 x feeder villages. With an enrolment of 618 learnes and 24 teachers – 16 of which are qualified and the rest “student-teachers” Davy can be considered a small school.
Prior to the launch on the 28th of November the school received the following materials as a gift from Seibo:
2 Rocket stoves (120L)                                                    618 Mugs
3 Buckets with lids (20L)                                                 4 Basins
3 Cooking sticks                                                               6 Serving mugs
Mr. Hezekiah Mwanza, Group Village Head (pictured above) mentioned in his speech that it was a dream come true for children in his community to be receiving a hot meal at school every day and committed his community’s support.
Mzimba Local Education Authority (LEA) Primary School
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The Mzimba LEA Primary school is located within the Mzimba Boma in the area of Village Headman, S.S Corner.  At the time of the launch their school kitchen was not yet complete so the cooking orientation took place outdoors.  Fortunately around the time of the launch on the 1st of December some local volunteers donated a sum of money to enable quick completion. 
The above pictures show the students in traditional dress celebrating with Seibo as we signed off on our first year of a long journey. To feed every hungry child in the world a hot meal.
Thanks for being a part of it!
Email : info@seibojapan.or.jp     Phone : 080-4200-9923 
Room B Floor 4 Miyata Bldg 2-23-7 Kouraku
Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo Japan 112-0004
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