
Workshop at Unicef

Our NPO Seibo’s workshop was also featured in the public relations magazine Wish of the Japan UNICEF. We are very grateful for this opportunity.

We were fortunate to be part of an event organized by Kobe UNICEF, where we conducted workshops for many participants. In the workshops, we discussed the geography, history, products, and the lives of people living around the coffee production areas in Malawi. Additionally, we talked about the value-added aspects of school meals and the fair trade coffee industry in that region.

As an activity, participants learned Malawian greetings, drank coffee, and got to know each other. Through discussions, they realized how getting involved in the promotion of fair trade coffee can easily contribute to international support and help break the cycle of poverty in Malawi.

We also conducted a simple exercise to help participants understand the sense of happiness in Malawi, the importance of community, and the disparity caused by poverty.

Currently, Seibo is conducting workshops, coffee catering, and lectures at more than 30 schools, three academic societies including JALT (Japan Association for Language Teaching), and several universities.

We hope to continue expanding our activities with everyone’s support.
From here, you can check our educational outputs with schools!