
Seibo Kids- Home Visit Report

Seibo ensure that children from the most needy and poorest families are given an opportunity to attend nursery school and avail of a free school meal. The ‘Seibo Kids‘ programme not only provides free nursery education and, where necessary, a school uniform & family support but we also vist the beneficiary families to see how the children live and to offer help when needed. What follows is a short snapshot of home visits we carried out in conjunction with trained professionals from the Mother Teresa Children’s Centre in Chilomoni. While visit objectives are not always defined they usually include one or more of the following reasons;

to check the welfare of the child in his/her home environment
– to follow up on any reported issues from nursery school
– to assess the level of education support at home

The ‘Seibo Kids‘ programme gives children an education they would not normally afford. We thank our donors, supporters and friends for enabling us to carry out this work on your behalf. Thank you!

Chimwemwe & Chikondi’s Story
In conversation with Chimwemwe & Chikondi’s mother (seated on left-side of above image) we learned that her 2 x children who began nursery in October of 2019 are enjoying school and can now identify colours and can both count & write numbers. Financially the family’s situation has improved a little and the children’s mom is doing well with her street-food business selling zibwente (battered potato fritters).

Gift’s Story
Gift is being raised by his mother and started nursery in March of 2021. He enjoys telling his mother the many things he learns at school and can count to ten but still has trouble identifying shapes (he’ll get there for sure!). Now that Gift is at nursery his mom, a single mother, can do some part-time work including selling firewood and collecting water. The result of her efforts? The family now eat 3 times a day!

Sean’s story
Having started nursery in March 2021 Sean is making good progress. He has recently learned the days of the week and the months of the year and can ‘sometimes’ count to ten! His mother (seated centrally in above image) told our team that since attending school Sean’s behaviour has improved which she believes is due to the teaching staff at Sean’s nursery. Sean’s mom still sells tomatoes on the roadside and Sean’s dad is currently out of work due to his taxi license having expired and not being able to afford to renew it.

Divine & Emmanuel’s Story
Having only recently begun nursery in March of 2021 the children can now count to ten and are enjoying nursery life to the full. Unfortunately their mom is still out of work and the family are reliant on the father’s income derived from working as a part-time electrician.