
New Rocket Stoves for Making School Meals!

Seibo has been providing meal support at many primary schools in the northern region of Mzimba for an extended period. Despite the considerable time spent on maintenance, Seibo continues to uphold the advantage of providing meals to many children while facing ongoing challenges.

In some primary schools in Mzimba, pots and stoves were worn out. As a result, in some schools, meals could not be prepared and served at the appropriate time, leading to delays in meal provision for children, and sometimes even going to class on an empty stomach.

On December 11th, 22 rocket stoves and covered pots were delivered to seven primary schools in Mzimba, replacing damaged pots and stoves at these schools. By replacing the broken old stoves, the schools are now able to prepare meals every day and serve them to children at the appropriate time. Through these cumulative small efforts, Seibo hopes to further stabilize meal support for children.