
Nursery Intro Series- Jacque Tawo-9

Jackque Tawo is on the edge of Nthukwa. It only has 5 children enrolled this term. 3 were present on the day of our visit. The youngest is 8 months and the oldest is 6 years old. 2 teachers attend Jackque Tawo.
The fee is standard across the ages and is set at 2000 kwacha per month.
Snacks are provided by the children so there is no school feeding currently.
This is an extremely small nursery building. It only just accommodates the 5 children! It is also dark. 3 small chairs fit inside, and there is the odd, old poster hanging on the wall. Otherwise there are no resources for use. There is, however, space outside in which to play.
Preparation area could be made outside. Storage may need to be negotiated elsewhere. Nicely, there is a running source of water (tap) inside Jackque Tawo.
The routine goes by the children’s needs / daily interests. Opening at 730 and closing at 3pm each day, apart from Friday.
J-Tawo nursery (2)
It is our aim that along with school feeding our children’s centre will implement a scholarship programme to enable children
from the most needy families to attend nursery and avail of feeding. It is clear that we may in some places, like this nursery, need
to also look at improving the learning facilities. It is not a job we can undertake alone.

MAY 2016- Update- due to renovations there are currently no children attending this nursery and as such feeding has not yet been implemented.