
Management Updates for School Meal Distributions

Seibo Malawi staff not only provide meal support but also pay attention to and take measures as necessary regarding meal inventory management, the status of children and their families, and home environments. This time, we would like to highlight prominent issues and the methods to address them.

Adjustment of Meal Order Quantities
Previously, meal orders at Rikunipara were based on the number of registered students, including absentees for the day. However, it was found through surveys that in some schools, more meals were being cooked than the actual number of attending students, particularly in Mzimba. Therefore, discussions were held during the October meeting about ordering meals based on the number of students present for efficiency.

After the introduction of this new system, the majority of schools have been able to operate smoothly. However, two schools expressed dissatisfaction with reduced orders of wheat flour. Upon investigation, it was discovered that these schools had inaccurately reported attendance numbers. After correcting the data, the new system is now smoothly operational in all schools.

Meeting of Nursery and CBCC Directors in Blantyre
On November 23, 2023, a meeting of nursery and CBCC directors was held in Blantyre. The purpose of the meeting was to share progress on the feeding program, discuss challenges faced by schools, and find solutions. Several issues were shared during the meeting:

-Some schools are facing problems with current landlords as they are using rented properties.
-Some schools are unable to update inventory data and attendance records in a timely manner.
-Some schools are unable to accurately edit data.
-Some schools are neglecting meal provision due to a lack of staff to cook meals.

Participants deliberated on solutions to these issues. The meeting is scheduled to be held at least once per term. Despite not being able to fully resolve the issues immediately, we will gradually update information in the future.