
Chilomoni Food Distribution (July 2022)

July Food Distribution- Behind The Scenes
We ordered ‘Likuni Phala’ flour for July’s school feeding in June to enable early July food distribution. As a result we were able to keep the below food delivery schedule:
4th July: (Rural CBCCs)– Kachimera, Makapwa, Chilingani, Mlambe, Tikondane, Chisomo, Mwayi, Tilitonse & Tiyamike.
5th July: (Nurseries)– Abundant Life, Watipa, Tikwere, Yankho, Miracle and Yankho, Agape, All Saints, Asira, Atamandike 1, Atamandike 2, Bachi, Bizzy Beez, Cross Life, Faeza, Fatihu Deen, Freedom, Future Leaders, Holy Cross, Kriver, Little Bee, Makwika, Pillar of Light, St Theresa, Tinashe & Tivwirane.
11th July: Gamaiji & Tawina

July Food Distribution- In Numbers
– We ordered 21,000 kgs of ‘Likuni Phala’ flour
– We distributed all 21,000 kgs to partner primary schools in Mzimba
– The expected daily usage for all schools is 1,090 kgs for a budgeted enrolment of 13,569 learners

Note on Enrolment Numbers:
Although we budgeted for school meals for 1,680 learners, the actual enrolment was 1,330 and we based our distribution on these actual figures. As July is a cold month in Malawi, there is a trend of parents keeping their children at home from school which may be the cause of the high absenteeism.