
Tawina- A Series of Miracles!

The Tawina Story
At the end of August Seibo Japan received a report from our partners at Seibo Malawi. It focused on the plight of Tawina Nursery- the plight of its children, their parents & the community.

Since August 2016 in partnership Tawina have been providing school meals. However their nursery is in a remote area and with limited means the community have had to fend for themselves. The volunteers who teach the children have themselves only attended school to primary level and they have to mind, play with & feed 100 children daily. Their nursery building was provided by the kindness of strangers but remains a basic shell- bare brick walls, no doors. Not to mention no resources for the children.

To compound the community’s problems they have a well that was dug in the rainy season when the water-table is high and have struggled to get water to provide a daily meal for the children- many of whom sadly rely on this school meal.

Be Realistic: Plan for a Miracle
On the 7th of September we first asked for your help. We wanted to dig a well for the nursery and improve Tawina nursery. We asked you to help.In addition we reached out to an international NGO- Water Wells for Africa- to seek help in digging a well before the arrival of the rains which are expected in November. We also received quotes locally from private contractors and settled on a figure of 585,000 yen /USD 5,350 for the well project and another 137,000 yen/USD 1,250 to improve the nursery. A total ask of 722,000 yen/USD 6,600.With your support we raised this sum by the 7th of October- exactly one month from the time of our original ask.

In addition to the above we were contacted by Water Wells for Africa to let us know that having visited Tawina they were willing to bump Tawina to the top of their list to beat the rainy season deadline. However this was dependent on a commitment of USD 4,000 from Seibo. On the 6th of October we made that transfer on your behalf.

A Journey Begins with One Step
The last month has been extraordinary. Numerous individuals & organisations made contact & more importantly made donations to our appeal. We made lots of new friends at awareness raising events held in Ikebukuro, Chitose-Karasuyama & Meguro in Tokyo and we expect to make the next transfer to Malawi in early November.

One Step Further
So what comes next? Japan
Here in Japan we will continue to raise awareness for the children of Malawi. We will continue to seek support for the 14,000 plus children in receipt of Seibo school feeding in Malawi. Please check our website & Facebook pages for regular updates.

So what comes next? Malawi
In partnership with Water Wells for Africa the Seibo Malawi team will work with Tawina to ensure that;
– Tawina Nursery stakeholders will form a Well Management Committee to ensure daily operation of the new well
– Tawina community will provide quarry stones & river sand and bricks required for well-related construction.
– A Hydro-geological surveyor will identify the exact site for drilling after which the community of Tawina will ensure an access road enables drilling to take place.
– Training is provided in consultation with facilitators from the Ministry of Agriculture & Water Development together with the Ministry of Health for the above-mentioned management committee. The provided training will ensure the community are able to not only repair the well if required but are aware that they are required to self-finance the future maintenance of the well to ensure sustainability.

In addition to the above we hope to report soon on the plans to improve Tawina. Thank you.

He who has hope has everything. Thank you for your part in bringing hope to Tawina.